
My School and Home Away from Home!

Thank you for reading along at Creative Lesson Cafe! Here’s a little bit about the place I call my home away from home… my school! I work in a very large suburban school district in Michigan. I teach second grade in my neighborhood school, so I’m a bit of a celebrity around town which can be both a good and bad thing! It’s fun when I run into families and catch up with them but sometimes I just want to go unrecognized, so I’ll go incognito to the grocery store and pray that no students pass by the house when I’m in my grubs doing yard work!

For several years my son was a student at that building and we went to school together! We both have mixed feelings about that as we look back.

This is the giant dream catcher in the atrium. We have beautiful Native American artwork throughout the halls. Our buildings are all named after Native American Tribes.

I’m proud of our school district, the programs it offers, the high academic standards we have and our wonderful staff! It’s a great home away from home!

I am a coffee lovin' elementary teacher from Michigan! I hope you will find some creative ideas and resources for your classroom here! Grab a cup and stay awhile! Read More


