
Teacher Lesson Plan Book Makeover: From Drab to Fab!

I cringed the other day as I handed off an ugly brown school-issued plan book (the one that comes with carbon paper in the back) to my student teacher. Yes, they still exist! Personally, I prefer to have my lesson plans in an actual book I can carry around, rather than on the computer or in a binder. There are lots of reasons for this, but mainly because it is what I am used to! Plus, I can work on plans in the waiting room, outside while monitoring recess, at team meetings or wherever else my book can travel!

The format of my favorite FREEBIE plan book from Lakeshore is perfect for my planning needs! I love the layout, but the cover….not so much! This book is the focal point of my desk (when it is clean), so I’d like it to reflect my theme and style. So, I hide the cover!

A few years ago, I found some cute and FREE plan book binder covers in a variety of designs from Teaching in Flip Flops. I printed and laminated one, then rolled clear packing tape to the back and stuck it on top of the not-so-attractive cover! Now each year, when I change books, I simply remove the cover from the old book and switch it up! This is year three for my cover and it is still like new!

There are many other things in my room that I want to transform from drab to fab by adding my own cover the same way! I have some oldie but goodie resource books with worn out covers…they are next on the list! 🙂

I’ve seen other ideas similar to this for decorating student spiral notebooks and that is just super too!

If you have a great idea, I’d love to hear about it in the comments! 

I am a coffee lovin' elementary teacher from Michigan! I hope you will find some creative ideas and resources for your classroom here! Grab a cup and stay awhile! Read More


