
Writing Letters in a Creative Way with Frog and Toad

Proper letter writing format can be tricky for little ones. They often forget to capitalize Dear in the greeting and leave out the comma in various places. I have an idea for practicing letter writing in a way I think your students will love! Presenting~ a journal for creative letter writing! 

One of my favorite read alouds for this time of year is Frog and Toad, Spring! 

Toad does not want to wake up from his hibernation and his best buddy, Frog, has to trick him to get him out of bed.

Don’t have the book? You can view a super reading of Spring on YouTube! Here is a musical performance of the same story!

How cute would it be after reading to partner up the students and have one write as Frog to Toad and the other write as Toad to Frog? 

Afterward, the students could share out, buddy up and swap letters or just read them in partner groups.

This will be my example!

You can also do this following the story, The Letter, from the Frog and Toad series. If you know Frog and Toad well, you will understand about the bathing suit and the cookies! Ha!

There are so many creative letter prompts you could assign your students. If they have a journal ready to go, you can use this for Work on Writing during Daily 5 or as a writing station with no prep after the journals are made!

To create a journal, simply copy a cover and a stack of the letter writing pages behind it. Then you can staple it as a booklet or bind it. This is the student journal cover they can color.

Sometimes I assign a certain writing prompt that I want all students to follow, so I also made a class book cover with the item. Creating a classbook is super easy with a 1/2 inch three ring binder (clear cover). Slip the colorful book cover page that’s included in the clear front pocket and either hole punch the student pages or slip them in page protectors.

This new item is offered at a 50% discount for a short time, which makes it a dollar deal!

 If this is something you might be interested in, you can see more at my Kidsrcute TPT store! 

Well, many lucky friends have started their Spring break. What are your plans?

I sure wish Spring would hurry up and arrive here. No matter what the calendar says, it sure feels like winter! I can’t wait for my Florida trip in two weeks!

Have a super start to your week!

I am a coffee lovin' elementary teacher from Michigan! I hope you will find some creative ideas and resources for your classroom here! Grab a cup and stay awhile! Read More


