
Tips for Encouraging Parent Involvement in the Classroom

The key to a successful year is having the support of the parents of the children we care for and educate. We know it is just as important to build relationships with our parents as it is to do so with our kiddos! This edition of the Weekend Warriors is all about getting parents involved in their child’s education.

I love that we have open house the first week of school. My evening always includes a presentation of what can be expected throughout the year. It’s great that I have that chance to speak from the heart, to tell parents my philosophy on education, to ask for their assistance in working as a TEAM, to help to ease their anxieties about the unknown and all of that good stuff! The parents always leave happy, relieved and excited that the year will be a great one! I leave with tons of party helpers, classroom volunteers and co-teachers! Involvement at its best!

This is the parent night presentation that I use. 

It helps to have a format to keep on track so I don’t forget what I want to say!

  These are just a few of the slides. You can read the full description and see it at my store here!

 Parent involvement beyond a classroom newsletter? There’s an app for that!

Did you know that Scholastic has a great way to send information out to parents! 

It’s called Class Messenger. 

All of the information and phone numbers are completely hidden. You can send out reminders, photos of your class in action, donation requests and quick notes to helpers. 

BLOOMZ is also a good app to look into. Teachers have found great success using Class Dojo too. 

Do a little research to find out which would be a good fit for you!

Happy teaching!

I am a coffee lovin' elementary teacher from Michigan! I hope you will find some creative ideas and resources for your classroom here! Grab a cup and stay awhile! Read More


