
Top Ten List of Things I Want to do this Summer!

Happy Memorial Day Friends! This holiday marks the unofficial start of summer for us in Michigan because the pools, water parks and beaches open today! It’s been such a fantastic blue sky weekend! Last night fireworks rocked the neighborhood and today the smell of barbecue fills the air…Summer sights, smells and sounds are here and I am beyond excited! All year long, I dream of summer vacation. Summer is my time to catch up on fun family time, me time and all kinds of projects I don’t have time for and get pushed aside during the school year. Time just goes WAY too fast though. I hope to make this summer LAST! I’m joining Mrs. Jump’s Class for this fun Ten Things I Want to do this Summer linky!

My summer will be fun and productive!

What is number one on your summer top ten list?

Let us know and then head on over to Mrs. Jump’s class to see what others have on their list! 

I am a coffee lovin' elementary teacher from Michigan! I hope you will find some creative ideas and resources for your classroom here! Grab a cup and stay awhile! Read More


