
Holiday Thank You Notes

Let me tell you friends, this teacher is spoiled rotten. I received so many beautiful gifts this year and the best class gift EVER which I will show you too! Wait until you see the surprise my room parents planned! This year, I found some spectacular computer paper at Office Max and so I typed my holiday thank you notes rather than writing them out by hand.

I know it’s not as personal to type them, but each one was individualized and I think they turned out so pretty! It saved quite a bit of time and it cost about half of what I would spend on thank you notes.

A Gift from the Class!

Want to know why I had so many to write? Look at what my dear room parents made for me! 

It’s a gorgeous wreath FULL of gift cards to all of my favorite places! I just thought that was the sweetest idea!  Of course, I also got lots of darling things that the kiddos picked out for me by themselves and I really cherish those! 

So if ever you have to organize a gift for someone from a group of people, that was a super idea. If you want to save your hand from cramping while writing out holiday thank you notes, maybe you’ll want to give the stationery idea a try too! 


I am a coffee lovin' elementary teacher from Michigan! I hope you will find some creative ideas and resources for your classroom here! Grab a cup and stay awhile! Read More


