
Behavior Management Resources for the Elementary Classroom

Every year,  it’s pretty much a guarantee that we will have at least one special student in our room that demands more of our time and attention because of difficulties with classroom behavior.

I’ve tried many different systems and plans for behavior management over the years. Whatever was “in” or popular, I used.  Each had it strengths and weaknesses. None were just right for me, my kiddos or for my parents. 

So I combined my counseling expertise with years of trial and error experiences in the classroom, mixed it all up and created my own system. It has been absolutely perfect. 

It’s simple, easy to implement, and parents get it!

I’m Lovin’ it! 

Maybe you will too.

It’s a little bit like a clip chart. It’s also somewhat like the traffic light system. It has only four steps and is heavy on rewarding the positive and reflecting on making good choices. 

The hives shown below come in black and white so you can create your display using any colored paper you like to match your room decor. I don’t have a bee theme in my room, but the management system is a theme all its own so it works!

My favorite part of this system is the way it encourages clear communication between home and school.

 I keep a stack of the weekly reports in a drawer. At the end of the day, the students color in their bee hive. 

My kiddos are so proud to take home a happy note and sticker on their chart when it is earned. 

I like to copy my awards on bright paper.

The bees are hung with magnets on my whiteboard so they are easy to move.

Happy bees from Melonheadz = a happy teacher!

You can find a detailed description and the item here.

Buzz on over to see what else my blogging buddies have available today and take advantage of some savings!

 “Bee” sure to tell your friends about the sales too! 🙂

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I am a coffee lovin' elementary teacher from Michigan! I hope you will find some creative ideas and resources for your classroom here! Grab a cup and stay awhile! Read More


