
Student Name Labels: Free Template for Teachers!

 Have you gotten yours yet? I got it! The long awaited class list! This is when things start to get exciting! I love to look at the student names knowing that soon I’ll be putting faces to those names and that we will be spending the year together as a little classroom family.

 Once that list is in my hands, I immediately GET TO WORK! 

Read on and I’ll tell you how I cut costs on labeling student supplies like folders and cubby tags, while saving precious time!

Before leaving for the summer, I stocked up on some colorful blank name tags from Creative Teaching Press. I slap on an address label and then laminate them to use for cubby tags. They are fun and colorful, AND I use very little ink that way. As a matter of fact, I slap those address labels on everything~ student folders, workbooks, composition books, spiral notebooks, job rotation cards, job boards…you can see my post about that and some pictures here.

Last year, I provided a link to download the template from Avery. I have found that some sites ask you to install or allow other things and that always makes me nervous. For the same Avery template from someone you can trust :), you can download a freebie from my dropbox if you like. Just click on the image to take you there.

is what you will see when you get to the document. Be sure to click on the
arrow in the corner to download it!

 Then you can make changes!

I took the liberty to start typing for you! Just backspace away my names to add your own kiddos! Reduce the font size to add last names so the text fits in the space. These fit Avery brand 8860 the 1″x 2 5/8″ size.

The template freebie is very plain Jane, but I always make some for my nieces with a little clip art flower or some fancy, colorful fonts! You might try that too!

What creative, time-saving ways have you found to use address labels?

  • Unknown August 13, 2014 at 11:06 pm

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  • Unknown August 13, 2014 at 11:08 pm

    Wow! 27 kiddos!!!??? I have 21 so far…how do you manage 27? Do you have a post on tips and tricks for large class sizes? 🙂
    I use the labels too. L.O.V.E. them. I keep a master 'label' document for all the different sizes. On each label I put what it is used for and then a blank space for the child's name. Makes the beginning of the year SO easy!
    Thank you again! I love your blog.

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