
School Picture Day Freebie

A few years ago, I found this great Kids Are Authors award book at Scholastic and ordered it with my bonus points. It’s called Picture Perfect. The kids love it! It’s about all of the funny things that can go wrong on picture day, like when the picture lady combs your hair! Thank goodness for retakes!

It’s been my tradition to read this book and then assemble a class book with self-portraits. The parents love seeing this on display at conferences. Here’s a little freebie for you to file away for picture day!

Click on the image above to download it! 

It’s been a crazy busy start to the school year, so my blogging strategy for a time is going to be post more, say less! 🙂 I know you completely understand! 

Hope it is a great week for you!

  • The Colorful Apple September 11, 2013 at 12:43 am

    So cute! I've never heard of this book before, I'll have to check it out.

    Sara 🙂
    The Colorful Apple

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