
Oh What Fun! Polar Express Party!

We had two fantastically fun days of celebrating in our second grade class! Our party was a blast and my room parents did the majority of the planning and organizing which I am so grateful for! It was a Polar Express theme party. You may want to file some of these ideas away for your party next year!

The kids used lots of fun candy pieces, graham crackers and frosting to create a Polar Express scene on foil wrapped cardboard. Each child had their own plate of frosting glue and the rest of the candies were in the middle of the table groups to share. We washed our hands often with wipes before, during and after the project. I put a pile of wipes on each table and it kept the mess to a minimum.

Each child had a turn at the hot chocolate bar. There were marshmallows, chocolate bars, whipped cream, and crushed candy canes to top it all off! We listened to the the soundtrack from the Polar Express movie as we sipped our drinks, and sang along to my favorite, the hot chocolate song! I’m a tap dancer. 🙂 

My high school assistant, Emily, made each child a bag of reindeer food with oats, sugar and glitter. The tag says:

Sprinkle on the lawn at night,

The moon will make it sparkle bright.

As Santa’s reindeer fly and roam,

This will guide them to your home.

Notice how she used cute fonts and added clipart! That’s my girl!

These cookies were too stinkin cute to eat so we sent them home! 

We tried to keep the food nice and healthy and very simple because the party was just after lunch and the kids had just eaten. Parents donated all of the supplies and the food for the celebration. Most of the sweets, other than the hot chocolate went home. The train creations were slipped into jumbo Ziploc bags.

In the morning, the kiddos made their own bingo game boards, They colored the tiles, cut them out and designed their own board. It was so easy and voila, 28 different game boards. This also kept them engaged while I scrambled around to set up for the party later in the day.

My team of volunteers cleaned up while Emily and I took turns being the bingo callers. They were amazing. It didn’t even look like we had a party!

The kids wore their pajamas and snuggled up to read by flashlight.

They loved the bell ornaments I made for them. It was cute because they asked me if I could hear the bells ring!

Happy Holidays from my class to yours! That’s me on the far left, my former student teacher, Kim, Miss Emily and the kiddos on Santa’s nice and cute list! 

Have a wonderful and restful break!

  • Tammy December 22, 2012 at 4:09 pm

    That looks like a lot of fun! Our third graders do a Polar Express party at Christmas, so I can't steal your ideas. 🙂
    ❀ Tammy
    Forever in First

  • Mrs. Brown December 22, 2012 at 5:04 pm

    I love your ideas…thanks so much! Just have to know where you bought your bells…they are so pretty! Thanks for sharing!

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