
How to Structure Your Writing Block for Student Success: November Writing Prompts for Second Grade

Well here it is! November already! My new writing centers have been working out so perfectly, that I decided to keep it going for every month. The November edition is all set and ready for next week!

The kiddos LOVE them, so we have been using them on a regular basis. This time, I have a cute fall basket set out for the prompt cards. 

There are papers to use for a variety of the November themes like life long ago, scarecrows, owls and Thanksgiving. 

My class likes to color the little clipart pictures!

I can’t wait to get started and see what they can do!

Recently, I had some questions from readers and those that purchased the October kit about how I structure my writing center time to include these prompts.

I thought you might find it helpful to see how I set up my writing block.

This is what it looks like:

  • mini-lesson with a focus skill such as adding details or organization
  • modeled writing of one of the genre from the prompt set
  • prompt-picking/ paper selecting time (tables are called to the center then return to their seats to write)
  • whole-group independent writing practice/individual writing conferences
  • author chair for a few randomly selected students

Occasionally, I select a whole-class prompt and take this piece through all of the stages of the writing process from prewriting to publishing. This may be a piece I display in a class book, hang up, or use for an assessment.

I have seen TREMENDOUS growth in my students’ writing using this model. What I love best is that it allows me to conference with students daily about ways to improve their writing. 

The students thrive on that individual attention and feedback. 

If you think you may want to give these a try this month, you can find the November Writing Center Kit {here}.

Happy Teaching!

I am a coffee lovin' elementary teacher from Michigan! I hope you will find some creative ideas and resources for your classroom here! Grab a cup and stay awhile! Read More


