
MLK Close Read Passage and TDQs

I am working to increase the rigor within our current reading program by supplementing with lots of close reading lessons and activities. I am very happy with how this brand new MLK close read for Dr. King Day turned out! It took many revisions to perfectly adjust the wording to reach my Lexile target for text complexity so it is just the right amount of challenge for my kiddos but not overwhelming or frustrating for them.

What exactly is close reading?

It’s a method that goes beyond simple comprehension. Essentially, it’s about moving students from understanding what’s directly stated to uncovering deeper meanings. Once you’ve done a close reading, you’re not just familiar with the surface-level content; you also grasp the underlying ideas and hidden complexities. Plus, you form your own takeaways and opinions based on thorough examination of the text. Typically, close reading spans several sessions, leading up to discussions, constructed response, or other ways of sharing insights.

Regular practice with your class is essential to developing this skill. Holiday and seasonal themes, as well as high interest topics, are perfect for young learners!

This close read celebrates the life and accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr.

Do you like his speech bubble? Hehe!

Implementing Close Read Strategies

We have been doing these types of activities with informational text all year but this one is a little different in its layout and expectations. We will start by doing it whole-group so I can model for the class. Once the students know a predictable format that should be followed, they will be able to read, annotate and respond more independently for future close reading activities like this.


I also created a rubric/checklist based on a 2 point scale for the culminating constructed response item. It helps to have a quick and easy way to communicate progress to parents.  

Here’s a little peek at the MLK Close Read:

It will make for a great reading/writing lesson to integrate with social studies for MLK Day or Black History Month. To read more, you can see the full description {here}.  


  • Steph January 20, 2015 at 6:28 am

    Looks like a GREAT product! I'm going to try to integrate an MLK Jr. lesson when I start teaching full-time here in Australia. 🙂

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