
Marvelous Math Sites for Kids

Have you heard of Symbaloo? It’s a nifty site where you can collect and display all of your favorite sites in an app-style widget. I have a Symbaloo added to my classroom blog so my families can access the sites I have recommended for home practice. You can create your own Symbaloo! It’s really simple and fun too!

Click on the link to grab my Marvelous Math Sites Symbaloo. Feel free to change the name and make it your own! You just need to create an account to do so, but it’s free! You can click around here to explore a bit! 

Of the ones featured, Dreambox is my favorite. My class absolutely loves it! I assign 15 minutes on the site for math homework. The kids never complain and they beg to use Dreambox in computer lab and in the classroom.

 The great thing about it is that you can monitor time spent on the site and check on the progress of individual students. Dreambox operates using Adaptive Learning Technology. Read this excerpt from the Dreambox blog to learn more.

Intelligent Adaptive Learning (IAL) personalizes and blends learning by putting students at the center of learning.  IAL uses digital learning experiences that immerse students in modular learning environments, where every decision a student makes is captured, considered in the context of sound learning theory, and then used to guide the student’s next learning experiences.  IAL adjusts the student’s path and pace within and between lessons, and provide formative and summative data to the student’s teacher.

Only DreamBox Learning has the Intelligent Adaptive Learning™ Engine.  It enables truly formative assessment to improve teacher and elementary math student performance. It’s the ideal platform to individualize and personalize instruction.  Learn more.

Dreambox will offer a free trial period for your building, but a license will need to be purchased after the trial. I believe this is money well spent and perhaps your administrator will too after you share the info! 🙂

Hold your cursor over my Symbaloo here and scroll down to get a better look. I could not figure out how to resize this! At the bottom there is an option to view on Symbaloo

Leave a comment with any site that you just love and I’ll add it! I’m working on Symbaloos for other subject areas and if there is enough interest, I can pass the link along! 

Remember to head on over and link up! Just click the adorable button at the top of the page to take you there!

  • jivey April 5, 2013 at 7:40 pm

    Thanks for linking up! I had not heard of Symbaloo, so I'm excited to check it out! 🙂 I'm your newest follower too! Love the blog- adorable!

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