
I Wanna Iguana Persuasive Writing

 Teacher, I WANNA IGUANA or maybe a cute little turtle… How about some colorful fish? Fish are very quiet and you wouldn’t have to buy them any crickets….We know how you feel about crickets! 

I’ve never even considered getting a class pet. I can’t imagine having to clean cages or change water and all of that good stuff. But we sure had fun as the kids tried their best to persuade the teacher to get them one!

Our latest persuasive writing unit was based around this adorable story!

I just love this unit by Natalies Nook! 

The kids had so much fun with the activities and the printables are just so darn cute!

The kiddos were very clever and gave some terrific reasons for getting the pet on their wish list!

So, in the end, it was decided that although the kiddos’ letters were very convincing indeed, a class pet would be hard to care for and lonely over vacations. Whew!

Instead, we got a new class pet that doesn’t make a mess, smell or require crickets to eat! 

Hello Jasper Jaguar!

Thanks Ms. S for our new friend! 

This was lots of fun!

Here’s another easy and spur of the moment thing to do for persuasive letter writing~

Put a candy (or any non-food item incentive) of your choice on each student desk in the morning and have the kids write to tell you why they deserve to have it!

 I love to see the students focus on all of the positive things they have been doing at home and at school!


  • Kathryn Zbrzezny April 18, 2014 at 1:56 am

    I love your persuasive letter writing idea!

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