
Halloween Party Crafts!

I have to say that this year, our Halloween party crafts were exceptionally cute, thanks to my clever room parents who planned and prepped them! Here are a few pictures from our classroom party fun for you to file away (or Pin) for next year!

These 12×12 ceramic tiles, donated from Home Depot, were pre-painted orange. Webs were drawn in the corners in advance. We used acrylic paint for the handprint and then added some google eyes to the spider. The students wrote their name and the date on them with a Sharpie. After the handprint dried, a clear sealant was applied. What a nice keepsake this will be for their families! 

These adorable Frankie Magnets were made from paint color samples, plastic spiders and various patterns of black and white cardstock. An adhesive magnet strip was applied to the back side. All of the pieces were bagged in advance as a kit for each child. It was easy peasy and so darn cute!

 The kids loved the crafts and in their words,

 “It was the best party ever!” 

My crafty and undoubtedly exhausted teacher friends, if you have a post about your Halloween party festivities, or a Pinterest board with some fun ideas, be sure to leave a comment with the link below to share! 

  • Bright Concepts 4 Teachers November 2, 2013 at 4:21 pm

    Hello my sweet friend! I just blogged about some of my Halloween goodies. Here is the link:

    Thanks for being a part of our Fall Favorites giveaway and sharing the Fall love with your followers!
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  • I am a coffee lovin' elementary teacher from Michigan! I hope you will find some creative ideas and resources for your classroom here! Grab a cup and stay awhile! Read More


