
Feeling Like a Turkey~ Thanksgiving Bulletin Board Freebie

True Stories

  • In high school, I walked around all day with a hot roller in my hair and no one said a word. 
  • Something totally embarrassing fell out of my purse in plain view of people who should not have seen it!
  • As a new driver, I hit a police officer on his way to work. 
  • I forgot where I parked at the mall and had to have security drive me around to find my car.
  • Someone had to do the Heimlich maneuver on me when I choked at a fancy wedding.

I’d have to say that last one tops the cake!

Yes, there are so many times I definitely felt like a turkey!

This was the writing prompt given to students for this cute project idea shared by my teamies! We enlarged a turkey graphic, added a title, copied it on tan paper and added some writing pages behind it to create a flip book. 

The kids loved posing for a picture in a goofy turkey hat. We glued the photos to the front. 

If you don’t own a turkey hat, you could make one like this for a photo prop:


Here’s what one student had to say inside her booklet:

I feel like a turkey when I go sharpen my pencil and plop, I drop it in the trash!

(I hate when that happens because then I have to reach my arm in the can and fish it out!)

I do that too! 🙂

Oh my!

My personal favorite, and one that I hear often throughout the day,

I feel like a turkey when I call my teacher, mom!

You can download these freebie writing pieces from my Dropbox

When have you felt like a turkey?

This could be fun! Don’t be shy!

  • Bright Concepts 4 Teachers November 20, 2013 at 3:11 am

    You crack me up! Thank you for sharing your "turkey" moments with us. I love your non-traditional turkey writing. Super cute!
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  • Unknown November 20, 2013 at 5:01 am

    This is so cute! Thank you for sharing the examples… they made my day!

    Seconds at the Beach

  • MissMiller4thGrade November 20, 2013 at 4:18 pm

    That is so cute! I can't wait to do this! Your examples made my heart melt. This made my day. Thanks!

    Jessica Miller

  • Unknown November 20, 2013 at 4:59 pm

    Hi! This is adorable and just the type of thing I was looking for! I'm a bit confused as to how specifically to execute this, though. How big was the front page (the turkey graphic you blew up?) and where did you find it? Did you use that big one in addition to the download in your dropbox? Did you just handwrite on it? And then how did you glue or staple? Sorry for all the questions and thanks for any help you can offer!

    • Jeannine November 20, 2013 at 8:46 pm

      Hi Sarah! Great questions!

      The turkey in the picture is one that came from a cut and paste clip art book, so I can't share that same image online. I am able to share the other turkey image because I have a commercial license to do that! You can use any turkey pattern, really. He just has to be bigger than the circle writing pages.

      I typed up the title, printed it, cut around the words, glued it on the turkey pattern and then ran it through the copy machine on tan cardstock. I provided each child with three of the writing prompt circles. They are attached to the top of the colored turkey (behind it) with one staple in the center. Hope this helps with your project! 🙂

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