
Go Noodle Brain Breaks for Students

Do you GoNoodle in your classroom? Oh it’s SO MUCH FUN! It’s more than just a fun brain break, however. I like to use GoNoodle with my class to wake up their brains to be ready for new learning!

 I don’t know about you, but about a half hour after lunch, I could completely fall asleep at my desk. Because of our schedule, we have to work in silent reading time after lunch. 

 It’s all quiet and cozy warm in the room…


I bet we all have moments like this.

 Kids get the after lunch slump too.

Well, we have too much learning to do in the afternoon to feel sluggish. I need my class bright-eyed and alert for each lesson especially when a new concept is being taught. 

So, what do we do? We GONOODLE! 

Moving and singing wakes up my little sleepyheads and gets the blood and oxygen flowing to their brains once again. We know research supports that movement and learning go hand in hand!

Even the teacher likes to GoNoodle! 🙂

 When I participate too, I can be at my best to teach them!  

 You know the hit song. This is definitely our class favorite! Singing requires a different kind of breathing than when the body is at rest and this is wonderful for the sleepy brain. The little snowflake you see in the image moves along with the words for great reading practice. I have my kiddos move their bodies along with the character to mimic what she is doing.

They beg to do it again and again! You can preview it here.

We also like many others for wake-up-our-brains time!

You can head over to GoNoodle to check out all of the fun brain breaks and get started in your classroom by setting up an account. 

It’s FREE to use, so why not try it out?

Kitty High Five is just so stinkin’ cute! You have to check it out!

 It’s really easy to get your little sleepyheads up and moving with GoNoodle!


  • Ann Mosley December 2, 2014 at 6:27 pm

    These activities are amazing, thanks for sharing!:) I constantly face this problem. Kids are either sleep in the morning or tired after the lunch. Sometimes I desperately need something exiting to happen to attract their attention. Sadly, creativity is not my strength and occasionally I use essay writing services to find new games and tasks to entertain my students. Blogs here are really helpful as well. This year I had a chance to try numerous activities and kids seem to enjoy our lessons a lot. Thank you for your hard work and keep it up!

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