
Cute as a Button~Techy Teacher Tuesday

I started what I thought would be a cute little button project over week ago for Monday Made It and I think I am finally finished!The perfectionist in me changed the designs a hundred times before deciding on the ones to keep to decorate my Facebook page. I am really happy with how they came together! This has been one fun project! I love it when I can figure something new out on my own! Feeling like a techy teacher today! 

What do you think? 🙂

You might have to squint a little to see them here but I designed buttons for photos, my blog, my store, Instagram,  Pinterest and Twitter. They are all connected with links.

By the way, I have links here on my blog for Pinterest and Facebook. Look for the coffee cups in the right hand sidebar. It’s getting a bit cluttered and they get lost. Time to clean up the blog a little soon!

You can easily create your own custom buttons too by just playing around with Woobox for a while! First,

 you need to download it and then add a page app. There are a few to choose from or you can name your own page. I named this button, My Blog. Original, huh?

Click on the picture to get a clearer look!

The secret is to reduce the size of your image to upload to 111 x 74 and be sure you save it as a high resolution image before re-sizing. Wish I had better resolution for these screenshots for you. Here is the screen to name your own button and upload the file.

Now, when people visiting your page click on your new button, they are directed to your blog and your blog is in turn connected to Facebook and everything is matchy, creative and uniquely you!

Hopefully this was enough to get you going to add your own cutesy buttons! Let me know how it all works out and give me a holler if you have any questions once you get started!

  • Bright Concepts 4 Teachers July 3, 2013 at 4:40 am

    You are amazing and talented! Thank you for sharing your wisdom with all of us!I am sure I will be sending you a holler very soon!
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

  • I am a coffee lovin' elementary teacher from Michigan! I hope you will find some creative ideas and resources for your classroom here! Grab a cup and stay awhile! Read More


