
Classroom Volunteer Gifts and a Freebie Gift Tag

Have you seen the photo on Instagram and Facebook of the frazzled and disheveled owl at the end of the school year? That’s me~on the inside anyway!

I’m exhausted and my mind is racing. I have this reoccurring nightmare that I’ll forget to pass out the report cards on the last day! But tomorrow is finally it! Summer vacation here I come!

It takes a lot of energy these days to be thoughtful! I found some cute and sparkly gifts this year for my teammates, volunteers, university student and room parents. Good things come in small, brightly colored packages, right?

In case you don’t recognize them from the photo, these are bags from the Brighton store. My followers know about my Brighton bling addiction! 🙂

What’s inside? The cutest key fobs ever! Can you believe I didn’t even buy one for myself? I’m going back.

The last one is hard to tell but it’s a puffy heart. LOVE! Click on any one of the pictures to see more of my infatuation at the Brighton Store!

I think they’ll really like them! I’m going to attach a little gift tag to the bags by the ribbon. I made these to go with the summer theme.

Click here to download a copy.  Hope you can use them or file them away for next year!

Now that I’ll have some more free time and be able to unwind and concentrate, I hope to get back to blogging more often. I’ve got some great giveaways planned during the summer months too! Fun stuff! 🙂

Hope those of you on vacation already are making the most of every precious day!

  • Andrea Brown - Cheers To School June 12, 2013 at 4:22 am

    Adorable key fobs! I think I need to stop by Brighton to get one myself. My keys need something new, cute, and shiny. Thanks for sharing the tags!

    Cheers To School

  • Brandee Green June 13, 2013 at 8:14 pm

    Thanks for the freebie…cute, cute, cute! 🙂
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  • Bright Concepts 4 Teachers June 15, 2013 at 5:59 am

    Happy summer vacay to you!!!! Those key fobs are adorable. I love the flip flop! What a great gift idea. Can't wait for your giveaways. They are always fabulous. Let me know if you need any help:)
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers

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