
10 Things I’ve Learned from Teaching!

 Oh my goodness! What have I learned over the last 23 years in the classroom? 

 It’s hard to narrow it down to just 10! These are a few that come to mind:

1. Teachers are truly masters of bladder control.

It’s very difficult to stay hydrated knowing that it is nearly impossible to use the restroom. In a perfect world, another coworker could come give you a break. Wouldn’t that be great?

2. It’s the hardest job you’ll ever love so much!

Teaching is a very stressful and emotionally draining job. Regardless, it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever loved so much! Not a day goes by that I regret my chosen profession.

3. Big kids are still little kids at heart.

In my experience teaching both elementary and middle school, I noticed that my older students still love theme days and creativity as much as my little ones did. They miss their fun and colorful elementary school days although they rarely admit that! 🙂

4. Everyone needs recess, especially the teacher.

We all need a brain break and a minute to reset. I enjoy watching my little ones interact with each other during unstructured times. Walking our playground is something I like to do while supervising recess.

5. I can seriously do 500 things at once!

Multitasking is my middle name. Not only are we accomplishing many tasks at the same time, we are THINKING of a million things at once all while having interruptions, distractions and classroom happenings.

6. To recognize early signs of the stomach flu 

It usually starts with a headache, pale complexion, stomach pain…you know the signs too. There is nothing worse than watching a sick child rushing to the restroom or even being ill in front of their classmates and feeling pretty helpless.

7. Less is more.

over planning, over decorating, too much commotion, trying to manage and prep rotations…It sometimes takes away time from teaching and learning. Less has always been less stressful too.

8. Every student is someone’s whole world!

This one is pretty self explanatory. Every child is someone’s baby. They should be treated as you would want your own child to be treated.

9. Cute goes a long way!

My students are much more engaged when the teaching resources I give to them are fun, colorful, cute and creative.

10. What is in today will be out tomorrow.

Curriculum, methods, and buzz words in education change constantly, but good, quality teaching is always in!

That’s it in a nutshell!

Thanks Miss Kindergarten for the fun link up!

  • The Brown-Bag Teacher July 22, 2013 at 12:26 pm

    Goodness, I love your advice – thank you! I will be first-year teacher and especially love #3. I always saw myself in Primary land, and ended up accepting a 5th grade position. Thank you so much for the encouragement. 🙂

    The Brown-Bag Teacher

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