
Bonkers over Bats: Field Trip Idea

Do you teach your students all about bats in October? This is always a favorite unit with second graders. We took a field trip to get up close and personal to learn even more about bats! Do you have a bat rehabilitation center near you? If so, it’s a great place for a field trip.


This device allows us to hear the clicking sound the bat makes for echolocation.

 It was hard to get a clear photo with my phone of a moving target, and while supervising students but these are pretty neat anyway! Look at the wing span on this bat!

 Have you ever seen a real bat up close? 

  • Luv My Kinders November 6, 2014 at 3:06 am

    So cool! I bet your students loved it. I wish we had somewhere like that close to where I live.

    Luv My Kinders

  • Recipe for Teaching November 6, 2014 at 3:15 am

    So neat!!! The kids must have absolutely loved this!! I have never seen a bat that close up before! Great pictures and thanks for sharing!


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