
Back to School Icebreaker Activity Cards

On the first day of school, a new class is usually super shy and most of the kids are nervous. I always like to do a lot of getting to know you activities, especially during the first week. As you probably know, I just LOVE task cards of any kind in the classroom. I have stacks of them handy and ready to use for so many activities! I’m super excited to share with you the latest in my card set series! This time, it’s all about creating a fun and comfortable classroom environment from the start! Here it is!

It’s a 40 card set with all kinds of cuteness featuring Melonheadz Kidlettes! 

You can read the full description here if you like!

 This is my plan. On the first day of school, I will have my kids sit in a circle. These cards will be face down in a draw pile. I will pick a stick and that child will have a turn. They choose a card, read the prompt and TALK! The others will practice attentive listening while we all get to know each other better. If any of the kiddos are feeling too shy to share on the first day, I may give them the option to pass and come back to them at the end in case they change their mind! I think they will once they see how fun and easy it is.

BEFORE the activity starts, I will choose a few cards and answer them. This way, the kids will get to know me and I can model the way I want them to elaborate with their responses. 

We can do this again on another day too, because each child will likely draw a different card the second time around. We may even use these for quick writes here and there!

I know they will love it and I hope you do too!

Happy teaching!

  • Princess Netherly August 11, 2014 at 3:16 am
    If I could eat as much food as I wanted it'd definitely be cupcakes!
    Teaching, Love, Cupcakes

    • Jeannine August 11, 2014 at 3:25 am

      Oh yummy! Good choice! For sweets, I would pick Orange Leaf frozen yogurt or dark chocolate! 🙂

  • Unknown August 11, 2014 at 4:11 am
    The food I would want to eat the most of is…Amazing Mexican Tacos!

  • Susan K. August 11, 2014 at 11:46 am
    My favorite food is mashed potatoes, too! For dessert, I love coffee chip yogurt!
    Great product!

    • Jeannine August 11, 2014 at 11:54 am

      Oh my gosh! Great minds think alike huh? I love coffee Haagen Dasz ice cream. Yours sounds yummy too and probably better for the waistline! I'll have to look for it!

  • Kim August 11, 2014 at 2:22 pm

    The food I'd like to eat the most of if I could is pizza! Love all of the different toppings and combinations that can be created!

  • hsease August 11, 2014 at 11:58 pm

    Pinned here:

    The food I most LOVE to eat is anything with peanut butter!! I could be on a stranded island with peanut butter and be okay!

  • Suzy Q August 12, 2014 at 12:31 am

    Pinned here and I am not sure I could eat as much as I want of anything…I would get tired of it too quickly. Guess it would be cheese! tokyoshoes at hotmail dot com

  • Unknown August 12, 2014 at 4:29 pm

    I would eat freshly made bread! Don't think I could ever get enough of that.
    Love the idea of these cards, what a great ice breaker activity. Thanks for creating them.

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