
Back to School All About Me Projects

I have lots of favorite projects, but this one tops my list for back to school!

 It was easy, fun and so darn cute!

 We made All About Me Bagpacks!

This is a twist on the original project by the clever Brooke Hilderbrand, but I just had to have these blue lunch bags from Target! We chose green cardstock for the rest of the backpack pieces, but they can be copied on any color for use with a traditional brown bag!

The back of the bag has information for the student to fill in about themselves, their likes and things that make them special. I sent a copy of the back side as a home assignment, so the parents could help their children with correct spelling. We recopied the words onto the green paper in class.

Step by step and piece by piece, the children assembled the bags. We did this as a whole class activity for our Fun Friday. The bags stayed in the room over the weekend to dry.

A note went home in a Ziploc bag asking the parents to help their little ones gather five items that could generate some ideas that the children could tell to their classmates as a getting to know you activity. 

Some brought in pictures, others found a favorite toy or a medal they had earned. The only requirement was that it had to fit in the baggie. On Monday, we gently placed the items in the bagpack. 

As a listening and speaking activity, the students shared their project by reading the back side aloud and then showing and telling about their items on the document camera. They loved that part the best! 

 This little princess shared her crown! Smiles!

Some students brought in funny toys that did silly things and we all had a good giggle too!

I can’t wait until the parents see the finished project come home! They will love them! 

My class used to do a similar project in a “me box”, but since I am pretty much brown bag project crazy, I will definitely do this one again next year! If you’d like to grab a copy for yourself, you can find it here!

If you love this lunch bag craft, stop by again soon.

My class is working on a cute little brown bag book for apple week. 🙂

I am a coffee lovin' elementary teacher from Michigan! I hope you will find some creative ideas and resources for your classroom here! Grab a cup and stay awhile! Read More


