
7 Tips for Dealing With Teacher Stress

Teaching can be SO intense! How well we handle stress can make all the difference in the classroom and in our personal lives. The Weekend Warriors and I are here to share some great ways we have found to deal with all of the teacher STRESS that comes with the job!

 I try really hard to avoid getting stressed out in the first place, but it happens anyway. Here are seven simple things that help to LOWER my stress level during the day, so I can be the best “me” at work and when the day is done. 

1. Talk it out and let it out.

Fellow teachers are our ultimate support system. When I have a stressful “situation”, the very BEST thing to do is to confide in my teaching buddies. Most times, we end up sharing funny stories and have a good crack-up over it. Laughter is good for the soul!

2. Just breathe.

When I was having a stress attack the other day, my teaching partner reminded me about relaxation breathing. It really works!

Count to 7 while you slowly inhale and then to 7 again as you exhale! Try it now!

3. Keep a special treat handy.

I often reach for some secret stash in my desk drawer! It used to be dark chocolate, but my latest fix is Starburst Jelly Beans! I’m not normally the type of person that turns to food when I’m stressed, but a sweet treat is sometimes enough to give me a little lift and distract me from my worries! I’m sure a piece of fruit or some other healthier choice might be a better solution, but for now, I’m all about the candy!

4. Try an herbal tea.

Aveda has a very soothing peppermint tea. They call it Comforting tea. One sip and it really does have a relaxing effect. I bought a small coffee pot to keep in my room so I just add some leaves to a coffee filter and brew away! 

5. Give yourself a break.

A favorite break spot of mine is the staff restroom. 🙂 That’s all I have time for! I donated some nice soaps and lotions for all to share. I use the scented lotions and hand cream instead of the school soap. Doing that one simple thing gives me a NEW ATTITUDE! It’s like a mini-spa!

6. Find a little escape.

Get back in touch with reality! It’s so easy to lose sight of ourselves as people when we are so devoted to our role as teacher. On sunny days, during my lunch, I may go sit in my car with the sunroof open and turn on some music. It’s nice to get away and have a change of scenery even if it’s only for a few minutes. 

7. Exercise

Get moving during the day if you can. It helps ease tension and stress. It gets the “feel good” chemicals in our bodies going! Our playgrounds have a nice long walking path all around them. While I supervise recess, I take a POWER walk! Sometimes the kiddos walk with me! 

My stress doesn’t disappear completely with any of these tricks, but they definitely help! When the bell rings, round two begins. My job as mom, laundry queen, cleaning lady, cook and all of the other hats I wear can be stressful too. How I deal with that will have to be another post! :0 

After work, I cannot wait to get home and put on my lazy lounge clothes like my new Weekend Warrior sweatshirt! 


How do you manage your teacher stress?

Leave us a comment and we can all learn some new tricks!

I am a coffee lovin' elementary teacher from Michigan! I hope you will find some creative ideas and resources for your classroom here! Grab a cup and stay awhile! Read More


