
100th Day a Snow Day?

Well, we may be celebrating the hundredth day a few days late this year if the big snow arrives as expected! Still our activity packets for the day are ready to assemble. This year, in addition to our own classroom festivities, we are including 20 minute rotations with our second graders through each classroom with fun activities! Many of them were freebies at TPT.

My station will be Dip Dots. The kids will use Q-tips to paint 10 dots inside of ten frames. Another classroom will have 100 second challenges like how many sit-ups can be done in that time, another classroom is running a coin toss activity and another a roll and tally dice activity.

 I gave the roll and tally recording sheet a much-needed makeover. You can grab it free at my TPT store!

If you’ve already had your 100th Day, maybe you can file it away for next year! 🙂

Sending a big congratulations to Elizabeth at Fun in Room 4 B. She has some great news to share! You may want to head over and congratulate her too!

  • Elizabeth February 7, 2013 at 9:01 pm

    Oh, that's so sweet to give me a shout out :). We love doing rotations for special days, too. I hope the snow holds out on you so you can go ahead and have your fun!!

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